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- Level A - 2nd - 3rd Level words
- Level B - 3rd - 4th Level words
- Level C - 5th - 6th Level words
- Level D - PSAT words
- Level E - SAT words
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Level A- 40 Lessons |
BigVocabTime.com Word List - Level: A
Lesson 1: 1. agree 2. arrive 3. beach 4. bench 5. branch 6. center 7. deep 8. greedy
Lesson 2: 1. alarm 2. bare 3. board 4. bright 5. cheer 6. chew 7. dive 8. enemy
Lesson 3: 1. brave 2. bridge 3. calm 4. clear 5. collect 6. curious 7. ocean 8. seashell
Lesson 4: 1. eager 2. field 3. float 4. gentle 5. hero 6. hour 7. pack 8. prove
Lesson 5: 1. fair 2. fear 3. fresh 4. inn 5. midnight 6. pass 7. plant 8. safe
Lesson 6: 1. cross 2. dash 3. enormous 4. famous 5. feast 6. finally 7. frighten 8. idea
Lesson 7: 1. crowd 2. damp 3. dangerous 4. entire 5. flour 6. forest 7. herd 8. insect
Lesson 8: 1. dawn 2. doubt 3. evening 4. exactly 5. trail 6. travel 7. wave 8. wonder
Lesson 9: 1. pale 2. search 3. soar 4. squeeze 5. steady 6. tremble 7. weak 8. weekend
Lesson 10: 1. shiver 2. team 3. tool 4. village 5. warn 6. whisper 7. wise 8. worry
Lesson 11: 1. frown 2. leader 3. notice 4. present 5. rainbow 6. seal 7. stack 8. tiny
Lesson 12: 1. island 2. leap 3. nibble 4. pain 5. scatter 6. signal 7. smooth 8. soil
Lesson 13: 1. author 2. blends 3. capitalization 4. chapter 5. driving 6. harm 7. screech 8. snowstorm 9. stream
Lesson 14: 1. character 2. complete 3. consonants 4. create 5. describe 6. direction 7. fantasy 8. moment
Lesson 15: 1. final 2. initial 3. language 4. locate 5. magazine 6. order 7. predict 8. punctuation
Lesson 16: 1. handlebars 2. questions 3. reality 4. steer 5. syllable 6. symbol 7. uppercase 8. written
Lesson 17: 1. brakes 2. conversation 3. dictionary 4. difference 5. discussion 6. fiction 7. solo
Lesson 18: 1. adjective 2. glossary 3. margin 4. music 5. pedals 6. quite 7. unless
Lesson 19: 1. message 2. nonfiction 3. noun 4. prewriting 5. pronoun 6. publish 7. quit
Lesson 20: 1. harmony 2. mama 3. purpose 4. quiet 5. reread 6. textbooks 7. theater 8. verb
Lesson 21: 1. chorus 2. coast 3. folktale 4. forgotten 5. important 6. main idea 7. minute 8. vowel 9. wander
Lesson 22: 1. doubles 2. forgive 3. lowercase 4. obey 5. prank 6. tradition 7. urban 8. vegetation
Lesson 23: 1. another 2. balance 3. dissolving 4. grouping 5. magnet 6. mammoth 7. shelter 8. thermometer
Lesson 24: 1. brought 2. certain 3. distance 4. habitat 5. magnifier 6. minus 7. pebble 8. surprise
Lesson 25: 1. caught 2. experience 3. loose 4. numeral 5. prehistoric 6. reasoning 7. scientist 8. solid 9. sound
Lesson 26: 1. citizen 2. climate 3. custom 4. different 5. universe 6. vibration 7. weight 8. whether
Lesson 27: 1. aircraft 2. community 3. differences 4. duty 5. heritage 6. hundred 7. justice 8. privilege
Lesson 28: 1. authority 2. belongings 3. continent 4. listen 5. rural 6. services 7. settlement 8. without
Lesson 29: 1. country 2. farther 3. forget 4. goods 5. landmark 6. thought 7. through 8. volunteer
Lesson 30: 1. beautiful 2. beneath 3. education 4. elections 5. example 6. fed 7. fold 8. product
Lesson 31: 1. asleep 2. believe 3. break 4. equality 5. hung 6. inside 7. meant 8. measure 9. please 10. teeth
Lesson 32: 1. almost 2. change 3. fine 4. globe 5. hungry 6. throat
Lesson 33: 1. among 2. crayon 3. matter 4. maybe 5. rather 6. sudden 7. thousand 8. vegetables
Lesson 34: 1. corner 2. division 3. gather 4. mild 5. pint 6. return 7. worn
Lesson 35: 1. concert 2. fool 3. mayor 4. noon 5. quart 6. several 7. southern 8. wherever
Lesson 36: 1. double 2. flew 3. football 4. goodbye 5. grew 6. hook 7. noise 8. respect
Lesson 37: 1. haul 2. lawn 3. lying 4. noisy 5. pencil 6. period 7. practice 8. wasps
Lesson 38: 1. bend 2. build 3. correct 4. fought 5. receive 6. rights 7. slept 8. spend
Lesson 39: 1. bent 2. built 3. danger 4. incorrect 5. mix 6. remove 7. thick 8. trick
Lesson 40: 1. chance 2. increase 3. luck 4. mailboxes 5. plenty 6. probably 7. spooky 8. straight 9. tone 10. wore
Level B - 40 Lessons |
BigVocabTime.com Word List - Level: B
Lesson 1: 1. accelerate 2. cavern 3. desert 4. dessert 5. drawer 6. massage 7. million 8. northern 9. scanner 10. seldom
Lesson 2: 1. awhile 2. chase 3. control 4. geography 5. pants 6. practical 7. promise 8. separate 9. shook 10. sour 11. stood
Lesson 3: 1. although 2. bathe 3. cheap 4. companies 5. lean 6. merry 7. pleasure 8. reason 9. remainder 10. season
Lesson 4: 1. arithmetic 2. couple 3. interesting 4. known 5. nickel 6. object 7. perhaps 8. pour 9. unable 10. whom
Lesson 5: 1. active 2. capture 3. cling 4. declare 5. exhaust 6. glance 7. glisten 8. kindle 9. valid 10. wit
Lesson 6: 1. admirable 2. amateur 3. arch 4. atmosphere 5. brilliant 6. convince 7. gloomy 8. gloomy 9. plunge 10. precious 11. swift
Lesson 7: 1. bargain 2. coward 3. exclaim 4. grant 5. harsh 6. restless 7. sensitive 8. shallow 9. struggle 10. yearn
Lesson 8: 1. amazing 2. batteries 3. clasp 4. disturb 5. fierce 6. insist 7. observe 8. shatter 9. superb 10. unite
Lesson 9: 1. accuse 2. border 3. clever 4. depart 5. dragged 6. imitate 7. journey 8. pierce 9. rare 10. treasure
Lesson 10: 1. ancient 2. approve 3. delicate 4. delicate 5. dragging 6. explore 7. expose 8. perform 9. pretend 10. prompt 11. remote 12. triumph 13. wisdom
Lesson 11: 1. bashful 2. brief 3. compete 4. conquer 5. decay 6. delightful 7. honor 8. pattern 9. reflex 10. timid
Lesson 12: 1. ability 2. actual 3. approach 4. brink 5. consider 6. consume 7. eloquent 8. fury 9. invest 10. remark 11. sufficient
Lesson 13: 1. avoid 2. distant 3. fortunate 4. glory 5. intend 6. magnificent 7. previously 8. revive 9. sergeant 10. watchful
Lesson 14: 1. audible 2. chill 3. dreary 4. glide 5. grave 6. meek 7. origin 8. punctuate 9. vibrant 10. wreckage
Lesson 15: 1. authentic 2. automatic 3. clarify 4. flock 5. modest 6. opponent 7. prevent 8. scorn 9. stout 10. woe
Lesson 16: 1. abundant 2. barrier 3. devotion 4. formal 5. inquire 6. penalize 7. picturesque 8. separation 9. slumber 10. stunt
Lesson 17: 1. absorb 2. advantage 3. ambition 4. defiant 5. freight 6. merit 7. negotiate 8. purify 9. stock
Lesson 18: 1. conceive 2. fearsome 3. imply 4. inspect 5. lame 6. predator 7. recite 8. revoke 9. wretched
Lesson 19: 1. cancel 2. channel 3. elegant 4. grace 5. ideal 6. infectious 7. suspend 8. tiresome 9. tranquil
Lesson 20: 1. boast 2. endure 3. gasp 4. loyal 5. practically 6. ripple 7. talent 8. uproar 9. value 10. vary
Lesson 21: 1. adequate 2. exercise 3. necessary 4. passage 5. representative 6. resource 7. sir 8. thankful 9. thus
Lesson 22: 1. astronomy 2. diagonal 3. emergency 4. especially 5. horizontal 6. imagine 7. pole 8. scratch 9. union 10. visitor
Lesson 23: 1. absent 2. advertising 3. bitter 4. doubtful 5. emphasize 6. junior 7. pupil 8. subject 9. ton 10. uneven
Lesson 24: 1. backwards 2. broad 3. chalk 4. dividend 5. heavier 6. jealous 7. level 8. surround 9. trophy 10. wound
Lesson 25: 1. activity 2. century 3. coarse 4. conditioner 5. disappear 6. electricity 7. model 8. passenger 9. unit
Lesson 26: 1. arrest 2. bandage 3. blur 4. crooked 5. proof 6. referee 7. sequence 8. super 9. supper 10. supply
Lesson 27: 1. article 2. compare 3. energetic 4. form 5. headline 6. inform 7. persuade 8. prayer 9. provided 10. torpedo
Lesson 28: 1. counselor 2. disrespect 3. fantastic 4. fasten 5. intense 6. opinion 7. ought 8. ounce 9. satisfied 10. system
Lesson 29: 1. complain 2. continuing 3. demonstrate 4. dodge 5. errand 6. essay 7. freedom 8. mechanic 9. millimeter 10. pledge
Lesson 30: 1. description 2. exit 3. fail 4. fossil 5. grammar 6. heaven 7. moderate 8. multiplication 9. peep 10. recycle
Lesson 31: 1. astronaut 2. careless 3. cashier 4. crutches 5. customer 6. nor 7. provide 8. spotless 9. tobacco 10. wrestler
Lesson 32: 1. circular 2. faucet 3. foolish 4. force 5. hoe 6. narrow 7. niece 8. proud 9. squishy 10. woolen
Lesson 33: 1. carriage 2. colt 3. graduate 4. instantly 5. recess 6. reply 7. scene 8. sleigh 9. stalk 10. suggest
Lesson 34: 1. allowance 2. catalog 3. cheep 4. design 5. frequent 6. horizon 7. hygiene 8. useless 9. utensils 10. velvet
Lesson 35: 1. bleachers 2. boulder 3. briefcase 4. briefcase 5. concrete 6. deserve 7. general 8. merchandise 9. mineral 10. native 11. public
Lesson 36: 1. fireproof 2. forecast 3. frigid 4. gymnasium 5. payroll 6. poison 7. reunion 8. steadily 9. success 10. throughout
Lesson 37: 1. boredom 2. environmental 3. experienced 4. extra 5. height 6. hind 7. mistaken 8. pesticides 9. pollution 10. sprint
Lesson 38: 1. accidental 2. beggar 3. combination 4. competition 5. deed 6. idle 7. keen 8. opportunity 9. saddle 10. withdrawn
Lesson 39: 1. admit 2. autograph 3. binoculars 4. despise 5. detention 6. generous 7. pleasurable 8. squeezable 9. tremendous
Lesson 40: 1. adjacent 2. align 3. compliment 4. cradle 5. gigantic 6. gorgeous 7. region 8. spiral 9. sprinkle 10. valuable
Level C - 40 Lessons |
BigVocabTime.com Word List - Level: C
Lesson 1: 1. admiration 2. appropriate 3. arthritis 4. differ 5. ignorance 6. immune 7. liter 8. neglect 9. peer 10. pressure 11. retreat 12. vanish
Lesson 2: 1. approximate 2. commissioner 3. conclusion 4. condominium 5. fare 6. instrument 7. occasional 8. outline 9. permission 10. rigid 11. stationary 12. understandable
Lesson 3: 1. aisle 2. category 3. cologne 4. cooperate 5. cuckoo clock 6. exist 7. fascinating 8. function 9. overhead 10. restrict 11. shaggy
Lesson 4: 1. daze 2. deadly 3. embarrass 4. isle 5. misery 6. orphan 7. overwhelm 8. relative 9. sift 10. soothe 11. strive
Lesson 5: 1. antennas 2. arguing 3. celebrity 4. counsel 5. dwell 6. focus 7. headphones 8. humble 9. occurring 10. quake 11. sniff 12. tidy
Lesson 6: 1. adorn 2. arena 3. cannibal 4. contract 5. dismiss 6. huddle 7. prime meridian 8. recall 9. sagebrush 10. sincere 11. sponsor 12. stern
Lesson 7: 1. attractive 2. bonanza 3. burden 4. consent 5. dependable 6. invasion 7. poncho 8. qualify 9. response 10. shabby 11. thaw 12. vacant
Lesson 8: 1. consciousness 2. disobedience 3. essential 4. eternal 5. fajita 6. fiesta 7. guacamole 8. homelessness 9. inconvenient 10. indicate 11. pioneer 12. pursuit
Lesson 9: 1. antique 2. baggage 3. cargo 4. equator 5. establish 6. hammock 7. humid 8. misfortune 9. oppose 10. parallels 11. sensible 12. suitable
Lesson 10: 1. annual 2. blossom 3. collide 4. constant 5. content 6. foul 7. haste 8. obtain 9. policy 10. quiver 11. worthy
Lesson 11: 1. accurate 2. alert 3. corral 4. degrees 5. distract 6. drought 7. epidemic 8. hemispheres 9. previous 10. slight 11. urgent 12. vanity
Lesson 12: 1. ancestor 2. awkward 3. disaster 4. drowsy 5. elementary 6. envy 7. feeble 8. longitude 9. penetrate 10. romp 11. staple 12. survive
Lesson 13: 1. clatter 2. convict 3. gallant 4. lukewarm 5. meridians 6. plentiful 7. ration 8. reserve 9. scholar 10. smolder 11. trudge 12. weary
Lesson 14: 1. blockade 2. discipline 3. drench 4. dungeon 5. earnest 6. enclose 7. gradual 8. grumble 9. jagged 10. nourish 11. provision 12. treaty 13. variety
Lesson 15: 1. chant 2. distress 3. juvenile 4. juvenile 5. lance 6. outstanding 7. proceed 8. register 9. spree 10. tardy 11. uneasy 12. unfit
Lesson 16: 1. bristle 2. coordinates 3. despair 4. elevate 5. heroic 6. inspire 7. missionary 8. needleleaf 9. pointless 10. site 11. toxic
Lesson 17: 1. abstract 2. ally 3. assemble 4. courtesy 5. discard 6. extreme 7. landslide 8. magnify 9. manufacture 10. marine 11. moisture 12. troublesome
Lesson 18: 1. absolute 2. appoint 3. attentive 4. bonus 5. broadleaf 6. carefree 7. hazardous 8. mistrust 9. necessity 10. noticeable 11. overthrow 12. peculiar
Lesson 19: 1. adopt 2. agile 3. analyze 4. deliberate 5. dense 6. dominant 7. drab 8. fatal 9. generosity 10. grasp 11. offend 12. regain 13. thorough
Lesson 20: 1. abreast 2. assist 3. babble 4. basic 5. extraordinary 6. genuine 7. hardship 8. hostage 9. illegal 10. portion 11. reflect 12. stampede
Lesson 21: 1. ashore 2. captivity 3. colossal 4. digest 5. effective 6. frail 7. lash 8. particle 9. rampage 10. scamper 11. symptom 12. warrant
Lesson 22: 1. abrupt 2. achieve 3. custodian 4. finance 5. flimsy 6. foundation 7. interior 8. presentable 9. pyramid 10. shuttle 11. supervisor 12. worthwhile
Lesson 23: 1. assault 2. cooperation 3. deceive 4. estimate 5. flexible 6. fragile 7. hearty 8. incinerator 9. luxurious 10. numerous 11. solitary 12. veteran
Lesson 24: 1. address 2. blunder 3. consist 4. convert 5. dispute 6. document 7. impressive 8. obstacle 9. productive 10. shrewd 11. social 12. temporary
Lesson 25: 1. affect 2. bluff 3. continuous 4. distribute 5. fertilizer 6. justify 7. myth 8. reject 9. scuffle 10. strategy 11. treacherous 12. villain
Lesson 26: 1. aggressive 2. associate 3. competing 4. controlling 5. emigrate 6. glamour 7. hazy 8. linger 9. miniature 10. mishap 11. sympathy 12. vivid
Lesson 27: 1. ailment 2. blemish 3. cautious 4. classify 5. monarch 6. postpone 7. principle 8. ruin 9. span 10. straggle 11. tomb 12. visual
Lesson 28: 1. blunt 2. capable 3. capacity 4. compose 5. cooperatively 6. fatigue 7. festive 8. haven 9. hospitality 10. persist 11. rejoice 12. spurt
Lesson 29: 1. accomplish 2. alter 3. apparent 4. civilian 5. conceal 6. duplicate 7. emphysema 8. provoke 9. transport 10. undoing 11. vast 12. withdraw
Lesson 30: 1. amiable 2. anxious 3. calculate 4. conclude 5. demolish 6. detect 7. jolt 8. logic 9. nomad 10. observant 11. persecute 12. supreme
Lesson 31: 1. alternate 2. applaud 3. artificial 4. checkered 5. ensure 6. industrious 7. loot 8. mature 9. primary 10. security 11. senseless 12. shrivel
Lesson 32: 1. brisk 2. cherish 3. considerable 4. deputy 5. enforce 6. feat 7. humiliate 8. reliable 9. resign 10. terrified 11. unbelievable 12. verdict
Lesson 33: 1. abolish 2. absurd 3. appeal 4. considerate 5. displace 6. downfall 7. expand 8. identical 9. improper 10. omit 11. poll 12. vicinity
Lesson 34: 1. astonish 2. attempt 3. avalanche 4. brittle 5. condemn 6. cram 7. endanger 8. famine 9. plea 10. portable 11. preserve 12. prey
Lesson 35: 1. attend 2. confirm 3. descend 4. dictator 5. navigate 6. nestle 7. neutral 8. positive 9. realistic 10. selective 11. tart 12. thrifty
Lesson 36:
Lesson 37:
Lesson 38: 1. confederate 2. discharge 3. economical 4. fertile 5. mutiny 6. negative 7. pursue 8. rowdy 9. safeguard
Lesson 39: 1. acquaintance 2. desperado 3. exhibit 4. frank 5. import 6. minority 7. modify 8. sanitary 9. singular 10. swindle
Lesson 40: 1. abnormal 2. apt 3. assume 4. canary 5. companion 6. compassion 7. concentrate 8. deodorant 9. export 10. latitude 11. remorse 12. stuffy
Level D - 40 Lessons |
BigVocabTime.com Level D Word lists:
BigVocabTime.com Word List - Level:D
Lesson 1: 1. barren 2. bliss 3. bore 4. bough 5. casserole 6. corrupt 7. dreadful 8. gruel 9. ignore 10. lecture 11. lightning 12. macaroon 13. occur 14. plunder 15. polar 16. portly
Lesson 2: 1. chocolate 2. crimson 3. dither 4. dormant 5. endorse 6. February 7. fluent 8. kettle 9. lining 10. medley 11. prosper 12. remnant 13. retain 14. session
Lesson 3: 1. basin 2. breadth 3. burrow 4. caboose 5. destroy 6. embark 7. endow 8. facet 9. ignite 10. impose 11. kosher 12. oblong 13. posture 14. redeem 15. rustle
Lesson 4: 1. almond 2. business 3. capital 4. caress 5. distinct 6. edict 7. excel 8. feather 9. inkling 10. kindling 11. lament 12. murmur 13. riddle 14. rumor 15. wiring
Lesson 5: 1. cease 2. chamber 3. chord 4. depress 5. garble 6. giraffe 7. gritty 8. jargon 9. limb 10. lonely 11. ninth 12. ostrich 13. pastime 14. people 15. suet
Lesson 6: 1. abode 2. barley 3. clutch 4. coax 5. column 6. communicate 7. crisis 8. dismal 9. faithful 10. gamut 11. idler 12. impish 13. margarine 14. pamphlet 15. whistle
Lesson 7: 1. antics 2. banter 3. benefit 4. career 5. compel 6. concern 7. decipher 8. engross 9. hostile 10. impede 11. induct 12. jostle 13. kapok 14. ozone 15. technology
Lesson 8: 1. barter 2. confuse 3. defect 4. depth 5. devoid 6. engorge 7. heckle 8. inset 9. milling 10. nubby 11. rally 12. raspberry 13. revenge 14. upheaval 15. yearling
Lesson 9: 1. aspirin 2. boggle 3. congratulate 4. console 5. contempt 6. cower 7. dainty 8. detract 9. ease 10. goulash 11. lawyer 12. orchid 13. partner 14. refuge 15. tribute
Lesson 10: 1. amaze 2. arrange 3. crafty 4. data 5. disrupt 6. dowdy 7. error 8. ethnic 9. offense 10. passive 11. pesky 12. rampant 13. rating 14. safety 15. tarnish
Lesson 11: 1. convoy 2. crude 3. dejected 4. depend 5. dual 6. dusky 7. emblem 8. enough 9. hobble 10. jacket 11. license 12. mackerel 13. tactics 14. volume
Lesson 12: 1. computer 2. creeper 3. deprive 4. drizzle 5. employ 6. incite 7. lucid 8. method 9. parallel 10. react 11. rescue 12. traffic 13. useful 14. warmth 15. yawn
Lesson 13: 1. abhor 2. deflect 3. elude 4. flaming 5. genius 6. ladle 7. machinery 8. render 9. roommate 10. scarlet 11. shaky 12. warbler 13. whoosh 14. width 15. worsted
Lesson 14: 1. ascend 2. balsa 3. dampen 4. desire 5. disclose 6. emerge 7. erupt 8. granite 9. hinge 10. hopeless 11. inert 12. package 13. prior 14. waft 15. yield
Lesson 15: 1. advise 2. ballad 3. bankrupt 4. copra 5. dapper 6. debark 7. deft 8. dusk 9. evaporate 10. gesture 11. nectar 12. pilgrim 13. raccoon 14. terrific 15. utensil
Lesson 16: 1. argue 2. doting 3. draggy 4. efface 5. grove 6. jitney 7. journal 8. owing 9. perturb 10. prying 11. romaine 12. scribble 13. scurry 14. whittle
Lesson 17: 1. burglar 2. deafen 3. desist 4. enchant 5. facile 6. furious 7. jabber 8. lettuce 9. narrate 10. possess 11. powder 12. prepare 13. scissors 14. skirmish 15. tariff
Lesson 18: 1. caldron 2. crick 3. downy 4. eclipse 5. enrich 6. fracas 7. glossy 8. ransom 9. relent 10. retrieve 11. sentry 12. shepherd 13. skeptic 14. smoky 15. vigil
Lesson 19: 1. against 2. ballot 3. collar 4. dosage 5. graze 6. optic 7. pigment 8. razor 9. secure 10. slacken 11. tropical 12. unwieldy 13. vow 14. wither 15. wrapper
Lesson 20: 1. abate 2. dogged 3. emboss 4. encamp 5. engulf 6. hunger 7. innate 8. jetsam 9. linkage 10. listless 11. mimic 12. protrude 13. superior 14. tremor 15. vaccine
Lesson 21: 1. asceticism 2. carnivorous 3. dialysis 4. direct 5. fraudulent 6. gazetteer 7. govern 8. honest 9. nightmare 10. nonchalant 11. obsolete 12. pasture 13. prevision 14. redolence 15. sacrosanct
Lesson 22: 1. balustrade 2. battalion 3. echelon 4. feasible 5. forfeit 6. javelin 7. malleable 8. mimicry 9. oasis 10. plenary 11. reconciliation 12. reconnaissance 13. ricochet 14. seismologist 15. solicitous
Lesson 23: 1. baccalaureate 2. biennial 3. capitulation 4. delicatessen 5. entomology 6. equivocal 7. hypocrisy 8. incredulous 9. opaque 10. phenomenal 11. quixotic 12. reciprocal 13. seraglio 14. sympathize 15. tachometer
Lesson 24: 1. abdominal 2. antiquated 3. catastrophe 4. critique 5. derrick 6. fluctuate 7. humanity 8. inertia 9. languid 10. nostalgia 11. occurrence 12. precursor 13. subterfuge 14. svelte 15. vignette
Lesson 25: 1. aberrant 2. anathema 3. ascension 4. bizarre 5. carburetor 6. deciduous 7. disproportionate 8. emulate 9. hybrid 10. impertinent 11. intermittent 12. omniscient 13. phlegm 14. rapscallion 15. sophomoric
Lesson 26: 1. chaotic 2. compassionate 3. dilemma 4. encapsulate 5. finagle 6. flourish 7. hospitable 8. miscellaneous 9. morsel 10. occasion 11. pharmaceutical 12. prodigy 13. proliferate 14. taciturn 15. utilitarian
Lesson 27: 1. adolescence 2. boisterous 3. chimerical 4. contemptuous 5. crucifixion 6. disguise 7. disseminate 8. ferocious 9. ignominy 10. insinuation 11. leisurely 12. leukemia 13. mulligatawny 14. parsimonious
Lesson 28: 1. apocryphal 2. aqueduct 3. coercive 4. dexterity 5. ephemeral 6. epitome 7. flabbergast 8. judicious 9. leniency 10. prerogative 11. rejuvenate 12. reverie 13. sanguinary 14. scrumptious 15. unconscionable
Lesson 29: 1. affinity 2. commingle 3. exasperate 4. expropriate 5. firmament 6. gauche 7. herbivorous 8. incongruous 9. metamorphosis 10. munificence 11. oligarchy 12. rosette 13. surreptitious 14. variegated 15. ventriloquist
Lesson 30: 1. archetype 2. chamois 3. charlatan 4. chivalry 5. circumference 6. gambol 7. isthmus 8. masquerade 9. mischievous 10. novelette 11. quadratic 12. resilient 13. secede 14. unscathed 15. xylophone
Lesson 31: 1. acetylene 2. apostle 3. assuage 4. atrophy 5. cinematographer 6. fictitious 7. fissure 8. irascible 9. khaki 10. lackadaisical 11. paraphernalia 12. patriarch 13. pneumonia 14. succinct 15. synthesis
Lesson 32: 1. apparition 2. barrage 3. clairvoyance 4. exacerbate 5. fricassee 6. inducement 7. luminous 8. malfeasance 9. mediocre 10. premiere 11. pterodactyl 12. rendezvous 13. satchel 14. xenophobia
Lesson 33: 1. aluminum 2. cataclysm 3. counterfeit 4. guileless 5. harassment 6. imperturbable 7. infirmity 8. knowledge 9. raillery 10. retaliate 11. segue 12. spasmodic 13. statuary 14. succumb 15. umbrage
Lesson 34: 1. abrogate 2. agglomeration 3. boulevard 4. colleague 5. consensus 6. euphoria 7. felicitous 8. indomitable 9. intravenous 10. nauseous 11. nautical 12. perceptible 13. plagiarize 14. reservoir
Lesson 35: 1. acquittal 2. depressant 3. filibuster 4. harangue 5. impecunious 6. inaugurate 7. incorrigible 8. inscrutable 9. maneuver 10. poinsettia 11. pulchritude 12. receipt 13. scallion 14. stanchion 15. therapeutic
Lesson 36: 1. broccoli 2. clique 3. etymology 4. expletive 5. facetious 6. immunity 7. inveigle 8. kayak 9. pasteurize 10. plebeian 11. posthumous 12. repertoire 13. resuscitate 14. siege 15. tortoise
Lesson 37: 1. anachronism 2. antithesis 3. effectuate 4. gourmet 5. lieutenant 6. nuptial 7. ophthalmologist 8. pachyderm 9. pirouette 10. progeny 11. query 12. reminisce 13. repatriate 14. rhetoric 15. vertigo
Lesson 38: 1. aghast 2. bailiwick 3. calligraphy 4. carcinogen 5. correspondence 6. designate 7. dissertation 8. exonerate 9. expedient 10. indiscreet 11. infatuated 12. inordinate 13. irreparable 14. pernicious 15. rigmarole 16. serviette 17. surveillance
Lesson 39: 1. camaraderie 2. condolence 3. conjecture 4. decelerate 5. ebullient 6. fastidious 7. hypochondriac 8. perpetuity 9. profligate 10. serene 11. solstice 12. thesaurus 13. vaudeville
Lesson 40: 1. chandelier 2. colloquial 3. debacle 4. dichotomy 5. egalitarian 6. expertise 7. Fahrenheit 8. geriatrics 9. inimical 10. Orthodox 11. perennial 12. propriety 13. rapport 14. sleuth 15. superfluous
Level E - 40 Lessons |
BigVocabTime.com Level E Word lists:
Lesson: 1
1. hemorrhage 2. silhouette 3. plausible 4. implement 5. anonymous 6. chromosome 7. ellipsis 8. solemn 9. precipitate 10. laryngitis 11. hyperbole 12. maelstrom 13. scrimmage 14. spectroscopy 15. camouflage 16. grievance 17. jamboree 18. impasse
Lesson: 2
1. bilingual 2. acrimonious 3. connoisseur 4. onomatopoeia 5. somnolent 6. centrifugal 7. galleon 8. hegemony 9. mystique 10. ambiguous 11. buoyancy 12. repository 13. schism 14. idiosyncrasy 15. aesthetic
Lesson: 3
1. eulogy 2. disrepute 3. indolence 4. aforesaid 5. heartily 6. zealous 7. retroactive 8. capacious 9. eulogy 10. ideology 11. actuary 12. esoteric 13. scheme 14. hepatitis 15. writhe 16. parlance 17. laureate 18. eczema 19. ecclesiastical 20. prelude 21. dilapidated 22. differentiate 23. coagulate 24. convoluted 25. despot
Lesson: 4
1. aye 2. unfavorable 3. wretchedness 4. redress 5. ordeal 6. immoral 7. glorious 8. obsolescent 9. tangible 10. afire 11. faulty 12. protract 13. tantamount 14. entrench 15. conductible 16. undue 17. divination 18. aboveboard 19. enmity 20. epizootic 21. chronometer 22. pollute
Lesson: 5
1. captivate 2. explicit 3. seignior 4. adjuration 5. analogy 6. hypothesis 7. panacea 8. illuminant 9. gestation 10. instant 11. tenet 12. onslaught 13. continuity 14. incendiary 15. intercede 16. curable 17. heterogeneity 18. barograph 19. divertible 20. unicellular
Lesson: 6
1. procedure 2. dyne 3. initiate 4. outstrip 5. rectify 6. benignity 7. vulgarity 8. regalia 9. linguist 10. objective 11. dolesome 12. expectorate 13. resistive 14. corroborate 15. predominant 16. licentious 17. contemplate 18. reprehend 19. irritable 20. enamor
Lesson: 7
1. malaria 2. Canaanite 3. enact 4. distrainor 5. votive 6. secant 7. autocrat 8. pertinent 9. bestrew 10. misnomer 11. grapple 12. brevity 13. suggestible 14. pristine 15. reconnoiter 16. packet 17. heretic 18. braze 19. juridical 20. micrometer
Lesson: 8
1. emigrant 2. candid 3. paronymous 4. oust 5. stiletto 6. similitude 7. hale 8. sublingual 9. indigence 10. memento 11. distrain 12. misunderstand 13. queue 14. mendacious 15. theocracy 16. guess 17. caprice 18. deposition 19. temporal
Lesson: 9
1. requiem 2. indicator 3. misrepresent 4. hypnotize 5. paralyze 6. abase 7. triplicate 8. valediction 9. crucible 10. denunciation 11. convex 12. encomium 13. subconscious 14. relevant 15. immovable 16. infallible 17. presentiment 18. prickle 19. infusion 20. pandemic
Lesson: 10
1. devout 2. editorial 3. simulate 4. noxious 5. benefactor 6. conformation 7. assiduous 8. reprisal 9. auditory 10. floral 11. minimize 12. commissariat 13. aristocracy 14. priory 15. incandescent 16. aboriginal 17. constituent 18. dialectician 19. capitulate 20. conscience 21. amorphous
Lesson: 11
1. counterbalance 2. absorption 3. irrefrangible 4. vacate 5. treachery 6. extremity 7. essence 8. seclusion 9. federate 10. tipsy 11. genealogist 12. disown 13. revere 14. respondent 15. recurrent 16. distraught 17. folio 18. riddance 19. propeller 20. incidentally
Lesson: 12
1. machinist 2. monotony 3. abeyance 4. plenipotentiary 5. finite 6. fabricate 7. impropriety 8. garrote 9. inaccessible 10. cipher 11. indivertible 12. elicit 13. dissection 14. susceptibility 15. polemics 16. litigate 17. legitimate 18. deleterious 19. autonomy 20. conversion
Lesson: 13
1. exclamation 2. misdemeanor 3. terminate 4. terminus 5. momentous 6. extort 7. acerbity 8. protrusion 9. taxidermy 10. Arthurian 11. pedestrian 12. transact 13. appraise 14. flippant 15. repellent 16. collector 17. surveyor 18. miscount 19. inopportune 20. anemia
Lesson: 14
1. accompaniment 2. insufficiency 3. gyrate 4. dissension 5. overrun 6. staid 7. crusade 8. contumacious 9. seethe 10. dehydrate 11. contingency 12. secrecy 13. physiognomy 14. decimal 15. influence 16. fervent 17. agrarian 18. immaculate
Lesson: 15
1. coddle 2. beneficiary 3. pennant 4. transcendent 5. thrall 6. facsimile 7. ambush 8. linear 9. medallion 10. sebaceous 11. original 12. chiffon 13. privateer 14. carouse 15. vitality 16. foremost 17. concerto 18. convolution 19. suffrage 20. vendition 21. diverse
Lesson: 16
1. unavoidable 2. stratagem 3. germane 4. vegetative 5. consecrate 6. interdict 7. brigand 8. divert 9. capillary 10. singe 11. readily 12. aroma 13. kimono 14. extradite 15. evince 16. ante 17. liquefacient 18. gratuitous 19. missal 20. sibilant
Lesson: 17
1. prima 2. impiety 3. erudite 4. irritant 5. gaiety 6. gossamer 7. vernacular 8. libel 9. perseverance 10. suffuse 11. efflorescence 12. promoter 13. wintry 14. venerate 15. angelic 16. loam 17. vertex 18. atone 19. antemundane 20. abominate
Lesson: 18
1. fallible 2. ponderous 3. reproduction 4. abscond 5. inborn 6. contraband 7. rapid 8. peddle 9. ecstatic 10. pension 11. diplomacy 12. impalpable 13. paramount 14. enhance 15. enormity 16. pavilion 17. insignificant 18. officious 19. cessation 20. pedant
Lesson: 19
1. dissent 2. vapid 3. arboreal 4. junta 5. nettle 6. convivial 7. resonate 8. introductory 9. legacy 10. photometry 11. disavow 12. transcript 13. Milky Way 14. conferee 15. grotesque 16. penchant 17. heinous 18. consonant 19. relinquish 20. autobiography
Lesson: 20
1. clearance 2. disinterested 3. imminent 4. persuadable 5. symphonic 6. invulnerable 7. lexicon 8. neuter 9. rejuvenescence 10. subtrahend 11. coincident 12. chastise 13. paroxysm 14. prescience 15. heresy 16. lithesome 17. prolong 18. conceit 19. formidable 20. animadversion
Lesson: 21
1. convolve 2. genealogy 3. conscientious 4. occult 5. indiscriminate 6. pseudonymity 7. enumerate 8. juggle 9. piecemeal 10. prelate 11. encompass 12. necrology 13. asperity 14. contemporaneous 15. forthright 16. soprano 17. bombard 18. accuracy 19. superintendent 20. rebuild
Lesson: 22
1. complaisant 2. rotary 3. transference 4. jugglery 5. sphericity 6. irrational 7. militarism 8. cartilage 9. satyr 10. gnash 11. excursion 12. sympathetic 13. inject 14. semiconscious 15. intelligence 16. facial 17. ductile 18. upheave
Lesson: 23
1. reprobate 2. overproduction 3. heedless 4. disinfectant 5. wee 6. precaution 7. fortitude 8. statute 9. masterpiece 10. intricacy 11. peccant 12. condescend 13. poesy 14. lingual 15. preemption 16. discord 17. prolific 18. vainglory 19. extol
Lesson: 24
1. eulogize 2. mythology 3. atrocious 4. drachma 5. connubial 6. normalcy 7. depositor 8. petrify 9. bellicose 10. sufferance 11. elegy 12. usury 13. bier 14. coagulant 15. intricate 16. unique 17. subordinate 18. neopaganism
Lesson: 25
1. cathode 2. desultory 3. lacerate 4. infidelity 5. variable 6. covenant 7. nasal 8. accursed 9. ambulate 10. rapine 11. disengage 12. penury 13. conformance 14. mockery 15. dispel 16. brine 17. sentient 18. prurient 19. akin 20. keepsake 21. kiln
Lesson: 26
1. indict 2. immerse 3. globular 4. pentameter 5. reparable 6. mercantile 7. incessant 8. allusion 9. grandiloquent 10. descry 11. cosmogony 12. inveterate 13. appease 14. maxim 15. awry 16. dwindle 17. verify 18. epicycloid 19. aver 20. physicist
Lesson: 27
1. hoard 2. reliance 3. derision 4. neural 5. confederacy 6. emeritus 7. seer 8. seance 9. lordling 10. onerous 11. plasticity 12. latent 13. specialize 14. opposite 15. terse 16. pentahedron 17. needlework 18. leonine 19. asexual
Lesson: 28
1. anthology 2. assonance 3. sanguineous 4. inroad 5. kerchief 6. viscount 7. vehement 8. valedictory 9. magnanimous 10. redolent 11. inexhaustible 12. creamery 13. juror 14. submerge 15. zealot 16. barring 17. airy 18. misapprehend 19. tangent 20. pique
Lesson: 29
1. collaborate 2. foreign 3. sense 4. hinder 5. spectator 6. pagan 7. alien 8. integrity 9. intrude 10. participate 11. compute 12. sensation 13. leisure 14. campaign 15. outlaw 16. exaggerate 17. punctual 18. pollen 19. confidence 20. frantic
Lesson: 30
1. devise 2. novice 3. philanthropist 4. caption 5. concussion 6. illuminate 7. defraud 8. finale 9. dissatisfy 10. corrosion 11. intention 12. arbor 13. quietus 14. infernal 15. diligence 16. arid 17. unnatural 18. acme 19. creed 20. nominate
Lesson: 31
1. lax 2. reorganize 3. corpulent 4. rife 5. preposterous 6. readjust 7. reprimand 8. fundamental 9. blaspheme 10. enigma 11. momentary 12. awaken 13. endear 14. congeal 15. reconstruct 16. crystallize 17. incomprehensible 18. instantaneous 19. termination
Lesson: 32
1. indefinitely 2. stimulate 3. adhere 4. inquisitive 5. decency 6. bolster 7. interrogate 8. insatiable 9. ingenuity 10. equilibrium 11. quarrelsome 12. infamous 13. quintet 14. docket 15. pitiful 16. beau 17. intimidate 18. quandary 19. nausea 20. intramural
Lesson: 33
1. actuality 2. comprehensible 3. lowly 4. unbiased 5. susceptible 6. contaminate 7. topography 8. locomotion 9. antic 10. disfavor 11. immersion 12. vulnerable 13. sentinel 14. judiciary 15. persistence 16. immaterial 17. decagon 18. tenant 19. offshoot
Lesson: 34
1. erratic 2. exhilarate 3. scythe 4. vaporizer 5. feminine 6. caucus 7. denouement 8. electrolysis 9. epiphany 10. fez 11. caricature 12. antarctic 13. auxiliary 14. propaganda 15. coxswain 16. heterogeneous 17. forecastle 18. ecstasy 19. metropolis 20. assassination
Lesson: 35
1. dissimilar 2. extricate 3. motley 4. degeneracy 5. infamy 6. brooch 7. optician 8. biography 9. semblance 10. compression 11. successor 12. extravagant 13. arrogant 14. antiseptic 15. disconsolate 16. perspire 17. pallid 18. cameo 19. municipality 20. ominous 21. trestle
Lesson: 36
1. consternation 2. accommodate 3. penultimate 4. perspiration 5. tremulous 6. audacious 7. absolution 8. culinary 9. repugnance 10. congregate 11. monopoly 12. duration 13. negligence 14. trepidation 15. devious 16. affiliate 17. affirmative 18. conveyance 19. rapacious
Lesson: 37
1. epithet 2. ascent 3. decisive 4. deportment 5. fiasco 6. mirage 7. constellation 8. buffoonery 9. imminence 10. belligerent 11. deface 12. accordion 13. bedlam 14. boorish 15. vista 16. concession 17. promenade 18. nocturnal 19. palatial 20. molt
Lesson: 38
1. bulbous 2. meticulous 3. affluence 4. fray 5. stingy 6. acquiesce 7. inanimate 8. sonorous 9. scholarly 10. sedate 11. drudgery 12. feint 13. nuisance 14. extinct 15. hilarious 16. diurnal 17. temerity 18. culprit 19. raucous 20. debut
Lesson: 39
1. livid 2. homage 3. salutary 4. frugal 5. alteration 6. excitable 7. emporium 8. dubious 9. decrepit 10. covert 11. comprehension 12. divisor 13. discover 14. predatory 15. tricycle 16. dissipate 17. logical 18. adjutant 19. comprehensive
Lesson: 40
1. unison 2. sapid 3. evolve 4. duplex 5. lifelong 6. cadence 7. outlandish 8. intellectual 9. nurture 10. corruption 11. canon 12. promontory 13. superintend 14. obligatory 15. forswear 16. tolerable 17. insentient 18. travesty 19. amicable 20. intelligible 21. loquacious 22. trite