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Words are the tools we use to think, to express ideas and feelings, and to learn about the world.  Furthermore, studies have shown that reading comprehension and vocabulary knowledge are strongly correlated and researchers have found that word knowledge in elementary and middle school can predict how well students will be able to comprehend texts they read in high school.

BigVocabTime is an interactive learning application designed to expand a student’s vocabulary and prepare children for standardized tests by utilizing a fun and dynamic approach to building a word base. Our program focuses on children learning the word, definition, seeing and understanding the word in context along with the word’s antonyms and synonyms. Our unique program makes sure the young learner has mastery of the word before advancing to the next step or lesson. Our tests simulate standardized tests, helping the students excel in their exams. An expansive vocabulary is invaluable and built over time. Start today by joining BigVocabTime!

spelling practice


Step 1 - Word Introduction Lesson
Our host “Jake” will introduce each word; in a sentence, its definition, antonyms and synonyms. The student will be asked to say each word and spell the word at the end of each word's introduction.

Step 2 -Definition Matching Lesson
This lesson consists of an interactive matching of words to their definitions. The student must achieve 80% or better to earn a game coin and move to the next step.

Step 3 - Fill in the Blank - Sentence Drag and Drop Lesson
This lesson consists of an interactive drag and drop exercise where the student must recognize the word in context by dragging the word to the correct sentence in order to fill in a blank that will complete the sentence. The student must achieve 80% or better to earn a game coin and move to the next step.

synoymnStep 4 - Pick Antonym and Synonym Lesson
This lesson consists of an interactive exercise where the students must determine if a matching word is either a synonym or antonym proactively prepares young learners for formats found in standardized tests. The student must achieve 80% or better to earn a game coin and move to the next step.

Test - Vocabulary Test
Simulating a typical classroom test scenario, Jake will administer the test and can not help the young learner. The test will randomly select different question formats that will challenge the student on the word's definition, contextual application, antonym or synonym. The student must receive a 100% on the test to advance to the next lesson. We recognize this is a very high standard, but everyone at BigIQKids believes subject matter mastery is essential to retention and absolute learning. That is why we have designed our applications in a customizable format that are tailored to each young learner’s pace.  

Review Test

Review tests are administered after every 4th lesson. BigVocabTime will select from all the words previously studied and generate random tests consisting of 30 words. The results will be logged into the student’s account profile for further progress analysis.

After the student successfully completes his/her lesson they earn a game coin to play fun, age appropriate educational and strategy games. Currently, BigIQKids has 34 games and we add more throughout the year.

printable vocabulary listPrintable Lessons & Tests- NEW!

In order to mantain flexibiltiy, our lesson and tests s are now printable. The intent is to keep children on their daily lessons regardless of their abilty to access the internet. Practicing everyday is a habit we are trying to encourage!

Learning can be fun!